Pregnancy Coach Blog

Four Tips to Help Prepare for the Unexpected

How should you prepare for the unexpected during pregnancy?

This may seem like the ultimate oxymoron or even an impossible task to “prepare for the unexpected." However, there are some ways to make sure that when things don’t go as planned, you are ready to ride the wave. Here are some of those ways:

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The Ultimate Guide to Medical Tests You May Need During Pregnancy

Even though women, for millennia, have been having babies, modern medicine utilizes many medical tests to ensure that you and your baby are in the best health possible. It can be very overwhelming thinking about the tests but don’t worry. The chances of you turning into a pinprick cushion or feeling like a guinea pig are pretty small. Only the tests that need to be done will be ordered for you.

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Five Exercises You Can Safely Do While Pregnant

According to the American Pregnancy Association, regular exercise during pregnancy can improve circulation, in turn preventing constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins, leg cramps, and swelling of the ankles. Although there are some exercises you should stay away from, there are plenty of exercises you can safely do while pregnant.

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